
ISSN PRINT: 1541-308X
ISSN ONLINE: 1934-9414
IF WoS (2023) 1.108
Physics of Wave Phenomena is abstracted and/or indexed in:
Academic OneFile, Expanded Academic, Google Scholar, INSPEC, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, OCLC, SCImago, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Summon by Serial Solutions.
Physics of Wave Phenomena publishes original contributions in general and nonlinear theory of oscillation, wave theory and experiments in optics, acoustics, radiophysics, laser physics and spectroscopy.
The fields of physics represented in this journal include:
- Wave processes, including nonlinear processes in optics, acoustics, radio physics, mechanics, gravitation
- Fundamental and applied photonics, optoelectronics, fiber optics
- Cyclic and stochastic processes in various media, including biological objects, phase transitions
- Methods and tools for studying wave processes, including linear and nonlinear spectroscopy
- Laser systems, laser materials and technologies
- Wave processes at meso-, nano- and microlevels
- Phenomena in strong electromagnetic fields, laser plasma
- Physical methods in medicine and biology
- Remote sensing of natural media
Description of Physics of Wave Phenomena journal is also available at the websites of Springer and Pleiades.